Gift Miracle – Amazing God

Gift is a powerful minister, and her ministrations have blessed many souls. Today, on the 24th of March 2023, she has released her debut single titled "Amazing God."3 min

Meet Uduehi Gift Esehoe Miracle, also known as Gift Miracle. She hails from Edo State, Nigeria, born to a family of four and is the first child of her parents. She is a young, zealous minister who is passionate about doing the things of God. Her love for God has been demonstrated in many ways, and she has always aspired to become a powerful music minister.

Gift began her music journey at the tender age of 6 when she joined the children’s department of the Assemblies of God Church. Later on, she became a leader in her secondary school choir. In November 2017, she participated in the music ministration of the choir at the Evangelist Reinhard Bonke’s farewell crusade in Lagos. That experience inspired her to take her music more seriously, and she subsequently joined every gospel music tutorial available to her.

Currently, Gift is an undergraduate at the University of Benin, studying English and Literature Education. She emerged as the 1st Runner up at the 2022 Ultimate Talent Hunt by The Youth Ministry of Assemblies of God, Lagos District.

Gift is a powerful minister, and her ministrations have blessed many souls. Today, on the 24th of March 2023, she has released her debut single titled “Amazing God.”

“Amazing God” is a modern worship song that expresses a deep and heartfelt recognition of God’s unwavering and unconditional love for us, His beloved children. The song is a powerful proclamation of faith, an acknowledgement of God’s greatness, and an expression of gratitude for all that He has done for us.

Through the lyrics of the song, the singer invites us to contemplate the amazing nature of God, to be awestruck by His power and majesty, and to be humbled by His love and mercy. The song celebrates the fact that no matter what we go through in life, God remains faithful and steadfast in His love for us.

The song is a reminder that we are never alone, that God is always with us, and that He is constantly working for our good. It encourages us to trust in God’s plan for our lives, even when we don’t understand what He is doing or why He is allowing certain things to happen.

Overall, “Amazing God” is a beautiful and uplifting worship song that invites us to draw closer to God, to rest in His love and grace, and to rejoice in the knowledge that we are His beloved children.

AMAZING GOD by Gift Miracle
Written & composed by Gift Miracle
Producer: Segigo Ajo
Record Label – Ogamars Entertainment
Art Direction – Ogamars Branding
Executive Producer: Youth Ministry, Assemblies of God Lagos District.

Emeka Mars, Agbawodikeizu
[@OgamarsENT | +234(0)8170070065]

Click on the cloud icon at the right edge of the track to DOWNLOAD


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  1. This is indeed a blessing. It reminded me continually of how amazing God is regardless of situations. Thank you Min. Gift for this blessing.



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